The Las Vegas dispensary Nuwu Cannabis Marketplace has opened a marijuana tasting room. The dispensary is located on Paiute Tribal land, ...
October, 2019
3 October
The First Marijuana Cafe in the United States Is Now Open
The first marijuana cafe in the U.S. opens this week in Hollywood. The establishment, called Lowell Farms: A Cannabis Cafe, will ...
1 October
Metro Atlanta City Decriminalizes Small Cannabis Possession
The Chamblee City Council voted unanimously to decriminalize possession of 1 ounce of marijuana or less. Now local law enforcement will ...
September, 2019
28 September
Australia’s Capital Legalizes Recreational Marijuana Use
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is the first region in Australia to legalize personal possession and cultivation of marijuana. Those over the ...
25 September
CBD Puts Government Employees’ Jobs in Jeopardy
Persons with federal and state jobs as well as with special security clearances could be putting their jobs at risk if ...
18 September
Congressman Introduces Federal Bill That Would Reclassify Marijuana
U.S. Representative Greg Steube introduced to Congress the “Marijuana 1-to-3 Act” last week. The bill would federally reclassify marijuana from a ...
13 September
DEA to Allow 3.2 Million Grams of Marijuana to Be Grown in 2020
The DEA announced that it wants to see 3.2 million grams (approx. 7,000 pounds) of marijuana grown in the U.S. in ...
4 September
Gwinnett School Police No Longer Arresting Students for Marijuana Possession
Marijuana is banned from all Gwinnett County Public Schools, but if a student is found in possession of a small amount ...
4 September
American Bar Association Supports Ending Marijuana Prohibition
The American Bar Association (ABA) passed a resolution signaling support to ending federal marijuana prohibition. The ABA is an association “committed ...
3 September
D.C. Now Accepts Medical Marijuana Patient Cards from 27 States
Washington D.C. has been highly selective as to which out-of-state medical marijuana patient cards it will accept. Fortunately, the district just ...